Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I hate the transition from high school to college... I know everyone has to go through it and everyone has to make a decision, but when you are in the middle of it, it is a big nightmare.

I do not know what to do or where to go or what God wants for my life. I am registered at one college, have a job, and do not want to leave my puppy, but what does God want? Maybe he wants me at another college in Texas, maybe he wants me to wait. I DO NOT KNOW! It is driving me crazy. I like to know what is going on and where I should go. I wish I came with a manual. I realize God does not usually work how I want him too, and I know his plan is perfect and his timing is perfect, but there is so much pressure put on you at this time in your life. Everyone wants to know what you are doing, where you are going, who you want to be...

I do not know yet. I simply want to do what God wants. I want to please him, and maybe sleep for three months and wake up with everything in place. I realize that is not going to happen...but its a nice thought. Just be praying for me and for all the other graduates who are being forced to be adults even though they do not want to... we need lots of prayer.

Pray we do what God wants...pray that we are not so stressed...pray that we do not give up...pray for peace...just pray.

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