Friday, June 27, 2008

Going on a fast

I have never been able to go on a food fast, maybe one meal but I only last two hours and now I really cannot go on a food fast because I am having blood sugar problems and I cannot skip meals. So I am going on another kind of fast...


At least for thirty days...maybe longer. Its going to be a time for me to talk to God and not worry about the opposite sex. I need to figure out what I am doing this fall I need to find out where God wants me and what he has to say to me. So boys step out of the going on a journey,One to find who I am and what I like. An adventure of discovering things that are good about me and things that I need to work on. Its going to be a hard and messy one...but its one I am willing to take. I need this...


travis spencer said...

praying for your journey.... don't forget your compass.

The Haver Family said...

Good for you! I'll be praing right along with you.