Wednesday, June 18, 2008

So life has been a little crazy lately and its not like life ever goes how you plan...but somehow through it all God has a plan and his plan is better even if we do not understand it in the moment.

Right now I really do not understand why things are going the way that they are, but I do know that God's love will break through all the heartache. I know that he will always remain faithful even when I feel like he is somewhere distant. He is right there...always despite how I feel. You probably want the details of what is going on, but at the moment it is not necessary for me to give those away. Right now I just want to encourage all those who are hurting and feel like giving up. Even if your life feels like its caving in and if there was a cliff you would like to go over the edge, do not give up. Allow your heavenly father...your daddy to wrap you in his arms and love on you through the pain. It may hurt right now, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and your daddy is never going to leave you. Surround yourself with people who love you and allow yourself to be loved by them and by God. As we go through life there is going to be trouble and heartache, but God's plan is perfect. We may not understand it, but it is a perfect plan and his timing is him.

As we face the trials in life may we know that we are loved by a God who will never leave, may we understand that he made us with purpose, may we always lean back on him and be loved through the pain, and may we know that we are special, loved, and we can make it with the help of our daddy

1 comment:

travis spencer said...

so proud of you. praying right along with you.