Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Love the Hell out of Them

I think a few people might have just gasp for their breath because of the "foul" language I used in my title, but before you throw you judgement at me read on...

Can you imagine what it would be like to not know how to love or what it would be like to not experience love? I am a big believer in loving people no matter what they do. When a person hurts you, no matter how bad love them. I have found that love always wins. I have had a situation recently where people are asking why I am even talking to a certain individual because of what they did to me, but the way I see it no matter what anyone did they still need to know that they are important and loved.

When some one does something that hurts you, turn around and forgive them. Let them know you hold no grudge and allow them to experience real love. No one can give love that they have never experienced so maybe you should be the first person to love the one who hurt you the most so they can then turn around and love someone else.

Love is not just a mushy feeling, love is much more. Love never walks away when the going gets tough, love is patient even when the one you are trying to love just does not get it, and love never quits. People have flesh on them and that makes them real...real people need real love.

May we go through life experiencing love, may we love the hell out of others, may we know that they are important and need love no matter what they do, and may we never go through life without letting our Father in heaven and those around us love us.

1 comment:

The Haver Family said...

Thank you. I needed to hear this at the this exact moment more than you could possibly imagine.